Alaskan Bush People

More ‘Alaskan Bush People’ Fakery? Noah Brown’s ‘Date’ Is Really An Actress!

More 'Alaskan Bush People' Fakery? Noah Brown's 'Date' Is Really An Actress!

Alaskan Bush People Fakery Noah Brown Date Actress

The Alaskan Bush People are up to their old tricks!

After infamously admitting to lying about their Alaskan residency, the reality TV family has a suspicious plot line on the most recent episode of their Discovery Channel show.

Hopeless romantic Noah, 23, goes on a date with a woman he claims to have met on the beach while visiting the lower 48 states— a stunning brunette named Karryna.

But the outing doesn’t seem to be as random as Noah implies.

The Channel Guide first identified Noah’s date as Karryna Kauffman — a San Diego, California, based model and actress!

While it’s not clear if Kauffman was cast on Alaskan Bush People, she has starred in three films, including dramatic shorts Love in the Time of Flannel and The Song of Birds & Bees.

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The Browns have pulled a fast one on fans before. Last season, Billy celebrated his 63rd birthday several months before the actual day, and, of course, an Alaskan court accused the clan of living in the ho-hum southern states — NOT the Alaskan wilderness. (The family claims to have lived in Alaska for more than 30 years.)

For all the latest news on the Alaskan Bush People, keep reading Radar.

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