Alaskan Bush People

‘Alaskan Bush People:’ Gabe Brown Pouts After Doctor Visit. Does he have cancer like his sister?

‘Alaskan Bush People:’ Gabe Brown Pouts After Doctor Visit. Does he have cancer like his sister?

ABP Gabe Brown Instagram

Alaskan Bush People star Gabe Brown showed off his best “sad puppy” expression as he pouted for the camera following a recent doctor visit. The photo featured the Discovery Channel personality with a dramatic pouty expression as he sat on an examining table and highlighted the space-themed band-aid on his arm.

What brought Alaskan Bush People star Gabe Brown to the doctor? And, what happened to his arm? Fortunately, he was kind enough to explain what was going on to his 233K Instagram followers. So, keep reading for the scoop.

Gabe Brown from Instagram

Alaskan Bush People: Gabe Brown Pouts After Doctor Visit

Gabe Brown’s recent Instagram post suggested things got a little dicey when he stepped on something questionable that sent him to the doctor to get a tetanus shot. Despite having a massive pout on his face in the photo he shared, his caption revealed getting the shot didn’t hurt very much.

The Alaskan Bush People star said the kind nurse told him his massive biceps were ultimately the reason why his tetanus shot didn’t really hurt.

He concluded his post wondering if he would ever be more careful about watching where he was stepping to avoid needing to get this shot in the first place.

Check out the post that Gabe Brown shared with his followers down below:

In the comments, Bear Brown was quick to call Gabe a “copycat” suggesting he also found himself in a situation recently that required getting a tetanus shot to prevent infection. His followers praised him for making a responsible choice. Many noted that getting the shot doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as stepping on something that requires getting the shot.

Some of his fans, however, simply expressed concern and wanted to know he was alright.

There were, however, some people in the comments of his post that were not nearly as supportive of his decision as they blasted him for letting the doctor inject various poisons into his body.

What are your thoughts on Alaskan Bush People star Gabe Brown getting a tetanus shot? Do you respect the fact that he’s taking a responsible move toward protecting himself? Or, do you just think it was a weird thing for him to highlight on his Instagram profile? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more Alaskan Bush People news.

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