Alaskan Bush People

‘Alaskan Bush People’ Living In Million-Dollar Mansion Amid Ami Brown’s Cancer Battle

‘Alaskan Bush People’ Living In Million-Dollar Mansion Amid Ami Brown's Cancer Battle

Alaskan Bush People California Mansion Ami Brown

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Alaskan Bush People are no longer living in Alaska and are far-removed from the bush! As fans know, the Brown family relocated to Southern California earlier this year so that matriarch, Ami Brown, could undergo treatment for stage 4 lung cancer! Although their location was kept quiet, has obtained exclusive images inside their sprawling million-dollar mansion located near Malibu Beach, which has five bedrooms and an outdoor Jacuzzi!

Alaskan Bush People California Mansion Ami Brown

Ami, 52, first confirmed that she was battling the deadly disease in June and said, “Bill and the kids are very loving and supportive. They’re all worried. I tell them, don’t worry. Please don’t worry. Be happy … keep the faith. Good or bad, it’s God’s will and we’ll walk that road!”

Last week, Ami and Billy were spotted for the first time in over a month – posing with fans near the UCLA hospital where she is undergoing treatment. In the photo, which was posted to Matthew Brown’s fan page, the sickly matriarch looks tired and frail as she is pushed in a wheelchair by Billy.

Alaskan Bush People California Mansion Ami Brown

But luckily for Ami, she has had an amazing home to live in while she undergoes radiation and chemotherapy!

Alaskan Bush People California Mansion Ami Brown has learned that the 2,000 square-foot rustic style house has worked out well for filming and that there was “more than enough room” for the family and crew.

Alaskan Bush People California Mansion Ami Brown

But according to one of the Brown family’s new neighbors, they were not the easiest to live next door to. “There is too much coming and going from the house,” a next-door neighbor told “And the only access to their house is a narrow road!”

Alaskan Bush People California Mansion Ami Brown

But even though Ami appears to still be undergoing treatment, the neighbor told that the family moved out a couple of weeks ago.

Alaskan Bush People California Mansion Ami Brown

“From what I have heard they are living in a hotel nearby now. No one knows which one though,” the source added. We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for Email us at [email protected], or call us at 800-344-9598 any time, day or night.

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